Monday, February 28, 2011

What kind of animals pollinate?

I know a ton! This is a great list of them: all sorts of bees, not just honey bees & bumble bees. Flies pollinate flowers that smell like decaying flesh to us. Beetles pollinate flowers too. Lemurs and lizards also do. Moths, ants, bats, butterflies, wasps and birds do too. It isn't just honey bees that we need to watch out for, it's all of the animals I just said. So this is why we plant gardens. Make sure to have a really colorful garden and lots of flowers. Water with rocks in it is important so the animals can have a little drink. You need rocks because if you didn't, all the insects would drown when they tried to drink. They would fall in. So they stand on the rocks and drink off of them.


  1. I am so glad you are in charge, Honey GIrl!

  2. So THAT's why all my insects are drowning! Thanks for the advice HoneyGirl!
