Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day

Earth day is very important because the Earth is your home. Do you want it to be a mess? Here are some ideas that might inspire you: 
1. keep bees because bees are dying and are very important to pollinate the flowers for the food we eat.
2. pick up garbage anywhere because litter will pollute the Earth and is ugly.
3. walk or ride a bike to your school or grocery store. Why not get saddle bags?
4. compost scraps of fruits, vegetables and eggshells in a bucket and toss it in pile to make nice healthy soil (but it does stink). It doesn’t make sense to throw food in a landfill.
5. unplug your cell phone and computer chargers when not in use.
6. use the sleep mode on your computer and phones when not in use.   

Earth Day should be every day!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bad Day

Yesterday, my family opened the hive. We checked to see if the bees were alive. There were none alive. We had to clean out the hive and we got a lot of honey. We buried the bees on the edge of my ravine behind my house.

I felt very very sad when I saw all of those dead bees. Some of the bees on the top were actually moldy. I think the cold weather and the moisture in March killed them. We saw a lot of eggs from the Queen. We tried to look for her, but we couldn't find her.

We cleared out the hive by taking out all the honeycomb and dead bees. We left some of the honeycomb in big bowls in the yard. The good news is I saw a ton of honeybees today on the honeycomb. I had to watch where I stepped because there were so many--I might have gotten stung if I had stepped on one. The bees will take that honey back to their hives. It will go to good use. They might be wild bees. We're hoping that some bees will move in during swarming season in late May. This is how they swarm: they split up the hive and they move. The queen takes one half and guides them.

We learned a lot by losing those poor bees.